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Buy with Prime FAQ

What is Buy with Prime and how does it work?

At PiperWai, Buy With Prime is a convenient way for Amazon Prime members to enjoy fast and free shipping. It allows you to get your favorite PiperWai items delivered to your doorstep in no time, thanks to the benefits of your Prime membership.

How do I make a purchase using my Prime benefits on

Making a purchase with your Prime benefits on is easy! Simply select the PiperWai products you'd like to buy, and click on the blue "Buy With Prime" button to be redirected to your Prime checkout. Your order will then be processed with fast and free shipping.

Do I have to be a Prime member to use Buy with Prime?

Yes, Buy With Prime is an exclusive benefit for Amazon Prime members. To take advantage of this speedy and cost-effective shipping option, you'll need an active Prime membership.

Can I use coupons or discounts on my Buy With Prime purchases?

Website discounts and coupons are not eligible for Buy With Prime purchases.

Are my Buy With Prime orders also sustainably shipped using plastic-free packaging from a warehouse powered by renewable energy?

No, Buy With Prime orders are fulfilled from Amazon warehouses rather than our own, so we cannot guarantee the same level of sustainability benefits in terms of packaging and warehouse operations. However, Amazon is committed to reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainability through initiatives like the Climate Pledge Friendly program. You can learn more about Amazon's sustainability efforts at

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